Paths connecting villages

Due to the harsh conditions of the Sibylline Mountains mean, contrary to on the plains, the settlements of this region have been obliged to develop in the form of various autonomous hamlets. For this reason, the town of Bolognola is, indeed, made up of three localities: Villa di Mezzo (in the middle), Villa da Capo (at the top) and Villa da Piedi (at the bottom). Each of these hamlets is built around its own public space containing a church, a noble residence and a square. This makes them independent of their neighbouring settlements, with which they are connected by a tight network of streets and paths. MORE DETAILES

TO VISIT In piazza G. Leopardi (1) stands the Mother church of St Michael the Archangel (2) ) rebuilt in 1934. Inside there are two altars, above one of which is a painting of the “Madonna of the Rosary” by Vergari. The original centre of the town grew up around the fountain (3) In the church of St Mary of Graces (4), built in Baroque style in the 17th century, you can see 18th century paintings and a fresco of the Virgin Mary attributable to Girolamo di Giovanni. Opposite the church is the house (5) where the great composer Filippo Marchetti (1831-1902) was born. Passing along Via Sotto Castello (meaning “street below the castle”), above which loom the impressive walls of the 15th century fortress, you will reach the hamlet of Villa da Piedi and the church of St Nicholas (6). Overlooking the church is the 16th-17th century Primavera palace (7) with its frescoed halls. From the early 20th century, its spacious cellars were used as a woollen mill. On the Pincetto stands the monument to those who died the two world wars (8) and, further on, in Piazza Marchetti, there is a monument to the victims of the Snows (9). Not far away is the chamois wildlife area (10) , where you can observe the first of these animals which returned to the Park in 2006. The Maurizi palace (11), site of the Town Hall, overlooks the square. In Piazza Leopardi, you can see the castle ruins (12).

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