TO VISIT The church of the Madonna of the Fountain (1) was built in 1647 in the form of a Greek cross with an octagonal cupola decorated with Baroque stucco. Passing through the gate of St Lucy (2) ), you will find yourself in the historic centre where the church of St Francis (3) , built in 1550, proudly stands. The next stop off is the 12th century church of St Augustine (4) ), featuring an ancient portal and windows with round arches. Moving on, you come to the parish church of St Michael the Archangel (5) , erected in 1860 in Neoclassical style. The Leopardi Palace(6) ), now home to the Fortunato Duranti Art Gallery, was built in the 16th century in exquisite Renaissance style with Guelph windows and an ashlar portal. Beside it is a Neoclassical columned house called the tempietto dell’Orologio (7) meaning “little temple of the clock”. Walking down the hill, you come to the Town Hall (8) and the 18th century church of St Andrew. (9) The last stop off is at the “tower-houses” (10) , ”, 16th century structures built Extra Moeniai.e. outside the city walls.
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Revised -- 01/25/2007