TO VISIT piazza S. Benedetto (1) is home to the basilica of St Benedict (2) , built on the site of the saint's 14th century house and adorned with a magnificent rose window. The square also houses the Misure portico (3) , with its markings used historically to measure out corn, the Town Hall (4) dating back to the 13th century, the la fortified Castellina (5) housing the Civic Diocesan Museum, and the cathedral of S. Maria Argentea (6), erected in 1560. Further on are the Palace of the Maltese Knights (7) and the 18th century church of St Philip (8) . After visiting the 14th century church of St Augustine (9) , you can proceed to the oratory of St Augustine minore (10) and the church of the Crucifix (11) . Beyond it you will find the church of St Anthony (12) and then the ruined church of St Mary of Peace (13) and the gate of St John (14) . the tempietto (15) , or "little temple” , a square, stone building only 6 metres high with two open arches in the very centre, is one of Norcia’s most unique monuments. Moving on, you will come to the church of St John (16) and, beyond it, the Roman gate (17) and then the church of St Rita (18) , the site of the ex-church of St Francis (19) and the Monte di Pietà (20) (a religious charitable institution). The last stop off is the Civic Theatre Civic Theatre (21)
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