The gateway to the peaks

Exit: this is the concept behind the name. Indeed, the place name Ussita derives from the Latin exitus, and relates to the town’s position in the Appennine mountain pass, a gateway between the peaks. Still today, this typical polycentric municipality is the starting point for adventurous and scenic excursions into the Sibylline Mountains. Setting out from Ussita’s various centres, you can reach interesting peaks such as those of Mount Bove and Mount Bicco, offering views of valleys and hills gradually descending towards the Adriatic Sea which is visible on very clear days. MORE DETAILES

TO VISIT In the hamlet of Sasso (1) stands the 13th century Romanesque church of St Lucy (2), inside which is a 17th century painting of St Lucy and frescoes dating back to the 15th century. In the Pieve hamlet (3) is the 14th century Gothic church of St Mary of the Assumption (4) with an ogival portal supported on two slender columns, a central rose window, two lateral cusped windows and a series of little grey stone arches. Inside is an important oil painting by Camillo and Fabio Angelucci of Mevale. The Town Hall (5) houses a 15th century tempera painting depicting a Crucifix with the Madonna and St Giovanni beside it, and two 15th century frescoes attributed to Paolo da Visso. In the hamlet of Vallazza (6), near the little convent, stands a 15th century rural residence. Beyond it is the church of St Anthony of Padova (7) with a beautiful Travertine portal and twisted columns. To the right, by the river Ussita, you can see an interesting stone building, once home to an ancient water mill for fulling cloth. On the Fantellino Hill you can make out the site of the ancient Castelfantellino (8).

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